Thursday, June 3, 2021

ETMONEY - Invest in Mutual Funds

 ETMONEY - Invest in Mutual Funds

This post is in continuation to the previous post where we discussed about starting to invest in mutual funds using the ETMONEY  platform. If you haven't gone through the previous post, I would strongly recommend going through the post first - All You Need to Know to Start Investing

How to select which fund to invest in? For this, if you open any fund , you will land on the homepage of that fund like below:

You can look through different insights about the fund here to understand how is the fund performing till now before proceeding with your investment. I will be discussing those in details in this blog post.

The below image shows the top section of the page which contains an overview of the fund Like the fund category, the start of duns, the motive and businesses it invests in.

Next, we can see a graph just below this section. This graph is very insightful, as we have the option to compare the returns of this fund with avg of the category in which the fund falls into in different intervals of time. I would suggest to make use of this as much as possible. Based on your goals you can check whether it would be beneficial to invest in this fund or any other fund of this category.

Just next to the side of this graph, we have the below section where we can get the information about the fund expense ratio, fund size, fund age etc.[refer image below]

The Fund Analysis and Investment Strategy Section are purely based on ETMONEY's market research related to the fund.

Fund Analysis - This section grades funds based on the risk, returns and consistency. 

Investment Strategy - This section has a small investment strategy given, in case you feel like investing in this fund.[refer the image below]

Furthermore, if we scroll down, we can see Investments Return Calculator and fund investment distribution under Large Asset & Portfolio Allocation section. 

Investments Return Calculator - calculate your returns based on the investment amount and the duration you would like to invest.This calculator, we get in the home page of each and every fund.

Large Asset & Portfolio Allocation - shows the holdings in which this fund is currently investing.

I would like to highlight one more section here - Comparison with Funds. With this section, it becomes very easy to drill down to a fund by comparing the performance of the funds falling under the same category that is collated in this section.[refer the image below]

We are also given with a Riskometer to let you know the risk you would be having by investing in this fund.

 Further we can see Fund Details like address, fund manager and a FAQ section, if you still have some unanswered questions, you can refer the FAQ section. 

Hope after reading this article, you would get a good idea of this platform and can start investing in Mutual Funds. 


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